StoryPath Communications


Using an Editorial Calendar to Plan Content

You’ve heard us talk about how consistency is key in any aspect of your business. It’s especially important when it comes to creating content for your website, social media, or other channels. How many times have you sat down to create content for your business and been stuck staring at a blank page with no

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Put Yourself in Your Customer’s Shoes

As business owners, it’s easy to get caught up in how we want things to work. Your business is your life’s work, and of course you want to control it as much as you can. Unfortunately, this sometimes means we lose sight of what our customers think and want. It’s time to put yourself in

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Three Signs Your Website Needs a Refresh

Whether you’re a small business or nonprofit organization, your website is often the first (maybe second) introduction people have to your organization. And it’s often one of the biggest factors that play into whether someone is going to do business with you. That’s why it’s important to do regular reviews of your website to be

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How Key Messages Can Strengthen Your Marketing

Key messages are a major part of every communications plan we create, and we spend a lot of time working with our clients to ensure the key messages capture the heart of their business. In the plan, they’re usually written as five to seven bullet points that serve as a foundation and help create consistency

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Using Testimonials and Reviews in Your Marketing

Testimonials and reviews can be a powerful addition to your overall marketing mix. Think about how frequently you read reviews about a product, a doctor, or another service before you make a purchasing decision. If people are looking to do that same level of research about your business, are there reviews or testimonials for them

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Keeping up with Changing Social Media Algorithms

Social media algorithms define who sees what content you share. Like everything else, they are always changing and evolving with what’s trending in the social media space. Sometimes changes are relatively minor, while other times major changes happen that impact the reach of your content. Ultimately, the direction you go with your social media strategy

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Time Blocking in Business (and in Life)

Have you ever thought to yourself, “There just aren’t enough hours in the day”? Most people probably have at one time or another, and it’s a common sentiment among business owners and nonprofit leaders. But often it’s not about the number of hours in the day as much as how we approach using them. That’s

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Email Marketing: Quality Over Quantity

Email marketing is a great opportunity for small businesses to increase brand awareness with their customers, but it’s often overlooked because of time, resources, or budget. One of the most important things to recognize when it comes to email marketing is quality matters more than quantity. All too often, smaller organizations think email marketing isn’t

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Creating Quality Print Materials

Print materials include a wide range of items: business cards, brochures, postcards, posters, note cards, print ads, signage, and more. Some businesses may have only a printed business card and maybe a brochure, while others may utilize the full range of print materials available. When using print materials to market your business, quality matters. These

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The Value of Print Materials in Marketing

Digital marketing is the golden child of marketing these days. There’s so much information available at our fingertips, and it seems like there are endless options to reach potential customers online. But print marketing isn’t dead. In fact, print is very much alive and using print materials in marketing can benefit your small business or

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SEO Basics for Small Business

If you’re a small business owner or nonprofit, you’ve probably heard the term SEO a lot… but what exactly is it? SEO stands for search engine optimization, and it’s the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic through search engines. In other words, SEO is all about helping people find you online

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Social Media Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated

For some small business owners, social media is scary and their fear around it prevents them from showing up online consistently. We completely understand that feeling! There’s a lot going on in the social media space, and the desire to get it right can feel overwhelming. What if it doesn’t have to be that complicated?

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Don’t keep struggling with a do-it-yourself approach that’s not yielding results. StoryPath Communications will craft personalized marketing messages to create lasting connection and drive your business forward.

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