StoryPath Communications

Using an Editorial Calendar to Plan Content

You’ve heard us talk about how consistency is key in any aspect of your business. It’s especially important when it comes to creating content for your website, social media, or other channels. How many times have you sat down to create content for your business and been stuck staring at a blank page with no idea what to write? Trust us, we get it — we’ve been there before too.

Using an editorial calendar to plan content can help lessen the chances of staring at that blank screen searching for ideas. It doesn’t have to be fancy, either. It can simply be a text document, a spreadsheet, or even just a note on your phone. But having an editorial calendar that guides your content for blogs, social media, newsletters, and other marketing activities is a game-changer.  

Here’s how to get started with an editorial calendar.

Brainstorm a list of ideas

There are no bad ideas in a brainstorming session — just get them on paper (or saved digitally if you prefer)! You can always narrow the ideas down later. Keep the ideas simple to start with, as these will just be a general direction for blog topics or some broad themes for social media.

Think about your customer journey

When do your customers start thinking about buying your product or service? You want to plan your content so you’re a step or two ahead of that with your marketing. Make a list of key dates or timeframes that you want to keep in mind as you plan.

Slot topics into specific months

If you’re posting one blog per month, it only takes 12 ideas to have a rough plan for an entire year! After you finish brainstorming, let the topics sit for a little while, then circle back and slot them into specific months. If there are specific messages or themes for social media, make a note of those as well.

With an editorial calendar in place, you’ll always know what’s up next for your blog, social media, or newsletter, which makes sitting down to write content that much easier.

If you need help developing an editorial calendar or keeping up with content creation for your business, reach out to the StoryPath team to chat about how we can help.

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