If your organization is creating marketing videos, there are a few simple tips that can help improve of the quality of your final product. Whether you’re filming with a digital SLR camera or using your cell phone, these tips can make a big difference in the final product.
We don’t claim to be experts on marketing videos here at StoryPath Communications. Strategy experts? Yes. Writing and editing experts? Yes. Video experts? No. But, we have learned a few things from our strategy partners who do video projects regularly.
Have you ever watched a video that was so bouncy you almost felt sick? You definitely don’t want to leave your audience feeling queasy, so think about stability for your video session. If you’re filming a video where you’re standing still, invest in a simple tripod. If you’re going handheld with a video, look for a camera with vibration reduction features or read up on stabilizing shaky video with video editing software.
Lighting is one of the easiest things you can do to improve your video quality. If you’re filming from your office, do some test shots in different areas of the office and at different times of day to find the best light possible. Or invest in a ring light or other affordable lighting options to ensure consistent lighting across all videos. Bonus: that extra investment in lighting equipment can make you look better on video conference calls also.
In many cases, your cell phone or digital SLR has decent microphone capabilities and might pick up sound just fine. But if you’re farther away from the camera or want to ensure the best quality sound, invest in an external microphone. Yes, you can fix some audio issues in the editing phase, but there’s only so much you can do to overcome poor quality audio.
This should come as no surprise, but we always like having a plan! It’s no different with video. While some people can just hit record and start talking and have it come out beautifully, that’s not the norm for most people. Spend some time thinking about your video script and the ideas you want to convey, then practice some in advance to feel more comfortable hitting your key points once the camera is rolling. Don’t try to memorize a script completely or your video can end up feeling stiff and rehearsed, but also don’t wing it entirely or your video could end up feeling scattered and leaving your viewers wondering what exactly they’re supposed to do next.
With the technology available today, it’s possible for even small organizations to create their own video for marketing use, and some attention to these key elements can help ensure a quality final product.
If you’re looking for more in-depth help on a video project, reach out to us to chat about your project. We can put you in touch with one of our strategic partners who specializes in video.